- excursus
- 1. n экскурс2. n отступлениеСинонимический ряд:deviation (noun) aside; deviation; digression; divagation; diversion; excursion; parenthesis
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
excursus — ⇒EXCURSUS, subst. masc. PHILOL. Dissertation en forme de digression à l occasion d un mot ou d une pensée d un auteur de l Antiquité. Synon. excursion (v. ce mot A 3), digression.Attesté ds la plupart des dict. du XIXe et du XXe s. sauf Ac.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
excursus — [eks kʉr′səs] n. pl. excursuses or excursus [L, a running forth, digression, pp. of excurrere: see EXCURRENT] 1. a detailed discussion of some point in a work, added as an appendix 2. a lengthy digression, as in a literary work … English World dictionary
Excursus — Ex*cur sus, n. [L., fr. excurrere, excursum. See {Excurrent}.] A dissertation or digression appended to a work, and containing a more extended exposition of some important point or topic. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
excursus — index appendix (supplement), digression, discourse, hornbook, pandect (treatise) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Bur … Law dictionary
excursus — EXCÚRSUS s.n. v. excurs (2) [în DN]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
excursus — s.m., lat. [der. di excurrĕre correre fuori, fare una sortita ]. 1. [intervento che devia dal filo principale: fare un breve e. ] ▶◀ (non com.) détour, digressione, divagazione, inciso, parentesi. 2. (estens.) [breve e rapida presentazione: e.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
excursus — divagation, *digression, episode … New Dictionary of Synonyms
excursus — ex·cùr·sus s.m.inv., lat. CO digressione, divagazione: riprendiamo l argomento principale dopo questo breve excursus | breve rassegna, panoramica: fare un excursus sulla letteratura del 900 Sinonimi: divagazione | panoramica. {{line}} {{/line}}… … Dizionario italiano
Excursus — An excursus (from Latin excurrere , to run out of ) is a short episode or anecdote in a work of literature [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/excursus] . Often excursuses have nothing to do with the matter being discussed by the work, and are used … Wikipedia
excursus — noun /ɪkˈskɜːsəs/ a) A fuller treatment (in a separate section) of a particular part of the text of a book, especially a classic. Here is what us scholars call an excursus. If you are an honest man the following page or two can be of no possible… … Wiktionary
excursus — n. an excursus into * * * [ek skɜːsəs] an excursus into … Combinatory dictionary